Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī Coalition is proud to present the annual Hawaiian History Month every September. Expect in-person and virtual events throughout the month. More info: HAWAIIAN HISTORY MONTH | HPC (hawaiiponoi.info)
Friday, 9/29/23 at 5:00pm HST. In-person or online. 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of one of the most extraordinary events in Hawaiian history. Five days of commemoration and observance of the 1893 overthrow of the sovereign Hawaiian Kingdom. History came alive in 1993, through street plays, band performances, church apologies, protests and formal cultural protocol.
ʻOnipaʻa—the queen’s motto would become the community’s rallying cry then, and now. A film by the same name—ʻOnipaʻa, was imagined and crafted by David Kalama and his crew from hours of footage. The film documents events on ʻIolani palace grounds and sites throughout Honolulu’s historic district. Join filmmakers David Kalama, Meleanna Aluli Meyer (moderating), ʻĀina Paikai, and artists Sancia Nash and Drew Kauhaina Broderick in conversation about the importance of telling our stories, past, present and future.
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