Every month of the year, certain items are discounted due to overstock, holiday sales, or transitions from one season to the next. Here are the shopping highlights for June in Hawai’i stores. Of course, we think the best way to save money is not to spend it! But, when you need or want to, plan your spending to take advantage of the times of the year when what you buy is at the lowest possible price.
- Holidays and special events with shopping discounts and deals include National Dairy Month, National Donut Day (1st Friday, June 7, 2024), Father’s Day (3rd Sunday, June 16, 2024), and National Sunglass Day (June 27).

Shop and spend wisely to get the most from your hard earned dollars – stock photo by Khanisorn Chaokla via iStock by Getty Images
Seasonal items to buy in June
Graduation gifts
For grads, look for laptops, luggage or travel accessories (including duffels and toiletry bags), business accessories (business card holder, quality pen, or briefcase), digital cameras, Amazon Prime (which just increased its price), or Blue Apron. Most young people will tell you they just want cash. That’s okay, too. Gift cards and cash always work if you’re not sure of your recipient’s tastes or specific needs.
Father’s Day Gifts
Ahead of Dad’s Day, you will find sales on dad-able gifts including recliners and easy chairs, power tools, fishing gear, and meats for the barbecue grill such as steaks and ribs. Local and national stores from Filson to Dick’s and Cabela’s, Walmart and Target will be competing for your dollars.
Party supplies
In additional to Dad’s Day deals on meats for the grill, June is a good time to stock up for summer parties for Fourth of July and Labor Day. Look for deals on picnic and party supplies, disposable paper goods, party foods such as hamburger or hotdog buns and accompaniments or other related groceries.
Off-season travel
If you’re itching to get out of town on a budget, head for the mountains, Las Vegas, Palm Springs, or check Caribbean destinations. These off-season locales are likely to have deals on hotels and travel packages. The bad news is, the weather might not be ideal (no snow play in the mountains, blazingly hot or muggy weather, and possibly hurricanes). So, keep this in mind, then throw some caution to the wind.
National Sunglass Day is June 27, so late June might be a good time get some new shades.
National Dairy Month
Since June is National Dairy Month, look for grocery specials and manufacturer coupons for yogurt, cheese, ice cream treats, and other dairy products. You might also like: Learn the secrets of saving more money with coupons in less time (livingonthecheap.com)
Seasonal produce
June is peak season for the following fruits and vegetables. I like to watch prices and buy extra when prices are at their lowest. Then I make jam, freeze, pickle, or ferment the extra produce to keep my food budget as low as possible while enjoying my favorites.
- Fruits: apple banana, dragon fruit, jackfruit, lime, lychee, mango, melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), lilikoʻi (passionfruit)
- Vegetables: beans, bitter melon, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, ginger root, luau (taro) leaf, onion, green pepper, sweet potato, taro, tomato, watercress.
- More info: Hawaiian Islands Farmers Markets (hawaiionthecheap.com)
New products to buy in June
Home Goods & Gifts
It’s wedding and graduation season, so you’ll find deals on all kinds of kitchenware, cookware, barware, and home décor, such as picture frames.
Laptop computers
While June may not be as good a time to buy a laptop as are the months of August, September, November, or December, June is a good time to comparison shop. Sometimes you find a good deal on outgoing models (my preferred choice when buying a new computer). Unless you are gaming or programming, you don’t usually need the latest greatest computer speed and storage capability. For most of us, last year’s model will do just fine and costs much less.
Lingerie & Clothing
You can find lingerie and clothing deals at your favorite major retailer, including major retailers such as GAP, J.C. Penney, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Old Navy, Ross, Target, and others. They are often trying to compete with the following two major retailers who hold sales in June:
- Victoria’s Secret holds semi-annual sales in December/January and June/July (aka Secret Summer Sale). The details and dates vary each year, but each sale lasts about two to four weeks. Unless you want a specific item, hold off purchases until near the end of the sale to get the deepest discounts and markdowns on what’s still left.
- Nordstrom has an annual half-yearly sale in June, followed by its pre-fall sale in July or August. It’s a good time to shop for discounts on a variety of apparel, shoes, and accessories.
Designer and luxury goods
Amid the other lingerie and clothing sales, if you like designer wear, be sure to search out deals on luxury goods.

Use our monthly buying guides to get the most from your shopping dollar – stock photo by Depositphotos_153049902
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