Remove invasive plants, restore native species and plant traditional Hawaiian crops in and around Waialeʻe Lako Pono, a North Shore wetland ecosystem near Sunset Beach. Help restore “lako pono” (holistic abunance) to the ahupuaʻa of Waialeʻe. Tasks vary from month to month can can include restoring habitat for native plants, fish, and birds; tending to loʻi kalo (taro patches); clearing a traditional loko wai (freshwater fish pond); planting māla (dry-land-agroforestry systems), and gathering as a community to learn and grow together. Bring: a filled reusable water bottle, sun protection (reef-safe sunblock, hat, etc.), bug spray (preferably “natural”/ non-DEET), and/or long sleeves and pants. Optional: gardening gloves and weeding tools–they can also provide clean gloves and tools. You may also want a change of clothes and a bag or container for your wet shoes and clothes. Also optional: a pot-luck snack or dish to share. More info: Waialeʻe Lako Pono – Community Work Day Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
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